In Parcul de langa spitalul Coltea doi pusti se jucau.
How to get a nice green lawn after winter
Guest post by Marco After winter most of the grass is damaged by frost and the remains of dead plants.
Ieri am fost amandoi
Dupa azi vine maine si maine devine ieri. Timpul nu sta in loc. Si azi ma grabesc sa trag linia de end. Trage si ea sa ajunga innapoi la capat, in rola, sa fie ca la inceput proaspata si calda.
Cum ne pacalim singuri
Crezi in iubirea eterna? In ingerasi roz care canta la harpa pe norisorii melancolici? In relatia ta exista numai soare si nici macar nu ai nevoie de cuvinte pentru a te face inteles? Umbra nu isi are rost in tusa
Guest post by Marco I’m glad to have the opportunity to introduce you to my faithfull survant “Joost”. Joost is always immaculately dressed. He prepares and serves simple but wholesome meals. Most of the time with his eyes almost closed.
Losing My Touch
Viata mea e frumoasa, ma cert, ma impac. Dar cand se baga altii se strica totul!
My young friend Tom Poes
Guest post by Marco I’m very proud to introduce to you: My young friend Tom Poes. White, naked, sexless cat with bigg eyes. Young friend of mr.Bommel, continious his saviour in emergency situations. For him/her i’m mister Ollie. Lives in
My lady-shopping activities
Have you ever walked into a big shop where they only sell menswear? And full of men? How you think you will feell???
Un ocean de nori
Nu am chef de nimic, mi se rupe mi se-ndoaie! Iar ma plang, iar ma caut! Mai bine ma culc!
Who’s Olivier Berendinus Bommel?
Guest post scris de Marco Hello, my name is Olivier Berendinus Bommel. I’m a man of standing who doesn’t have to worry about money. I live in my castle “Bommelstein”. Altough very aware of my class, not uncongenial. I drive