Guest post by Marco

I’m very proud to introduce to you:

My young friend Tom Poes.


White, naked, sexless cat with bigg eyes.
Young friend of mr.Bommel, continious his saviour in emergency situations.
For him/her i’m mister Ollie.
Lives in a decent house near Bommelstein.
Connected his name at many adventures.
Without Tom Poes, no Olivier B. Bommel.
Children think he’/she’s smart, the real hero of the stories, who understand everything.
Must have been the best of his class.
Adults get annoyed because of his/her faultless behaviour, immunity for the pleasures of life, tricks and his sceptical attitude against the ideas of mister Bommel.
Tom Poes comment is mostly very short, just “hm”.

Next time i will introduce my Butler “Joost”.

My young friend Tom Poes


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