In fiecare dimineata imi jur capie ca in seara respectiva la maxim 10 sunt in pat si in fiecare seara 10 e prea devreme pentru somn. Si utza utza in carusel, cu ochisorii pe jumatate inchisi si cu mintea mustind
Guest post by Marco Maarten Toonder was one of the most important creators of comic-art in Europe during the fifties and sixties. Extremely wellknowen in certain regions in France (because they were published in their local newspapers), much loved by
Guest post by Marco General story about Olivier B. Bommel and his creator So i will do it as follows: 1. General info of the history (the creator Maarten Toonder) 2. Info about the character – Olivier B. Bommel 3.
In luna Martie, pe 25, Sfânta Fecioară Maria primeşte vestea că va naşte pe Fiul Sfânt, Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Îngerul Bunei Vestiri a dat familiei un nou sens.
Evening in Amsterdam. Guest post by Marco It’s a nice clear evening in Amsterdam south East when around 50.000 people found their way to the “Arena” The Arena is the stadion where the football-team Ajax will play tonight. It is
Stateau o soparla si o koala intr-un copac… si fumau marijuana… La un moment dat i se face sete soparlei si se duce la un rau sa bea apa. In rau era un crocodil; si zice crocodilul la soparla: -Ce-i
In perioada 13-15 Martie, Palatul Sutu impreuna cu Artisan Nature au organizat la Curtea Veche din Bucuresti o expozitie de handmade. Am fost acolo si iata ce am gasit! Timid,afisul expozitiei parca ar spune ceva… si inca de la intrare