Guest post by Marco
This time i want to introduce you to my neighbour
Querulijn Xaverius Marque De Canteclaer van Barneveldt.
Most of thr time i just name him De Canteclaer van Barneveldt.
He is a insufferable vain creature, but because of that he’s very funny.
He’s also a wine-connoisseur, and hates me till the bottom of hit feathers, because he considers me as far below his „high standards”
In spite of this he often search for my company, and is always very polite (always speacks with two words).
Simulates to forgot my name, and than he sais…..ehh……………o yes ,…Bommel.?
Speacks dutch in combination with his fantasy French.
Uses words like Parbleu, par example, affreus, tiens and much more of these. He also uses hit Lorgon all the time, he thinks that is chique.
The noble-man(he’s a marque) published a number collections of poems, and plays the violin,
Others don’t give him the credits that he think to deserve.
Next time will tell you about my friend „Wammes Waggel”.
Wammes is a stupid goose. (sssssttttttt!!!) 😀
Love, Olivier B Bommel