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Aripi de poveste il purtau prin ceata, in lumea in care raul nu exista si nici nu ii este ingaduit sa intre. O ceata a inceputurilor in care daca te incumentai sa bagi un degetel fara sa fi ajutat de magie nu l-ai mai fi vazut. Sau daca cineva voia sa te pedepseasca si te arunca acolo, ar fi fost si mai grav. Ai fi suferit pentru fiecare picatura de frumusete aflata in jur. Asta daca erai un copil care crede in fantome si – mai rau – se teme de ele, chiar daca acestea i-au fost la un moment dat rude. Un copil care plange atunci cand vine intunericul, caruia ii este frica sa faca bucurii nevinovate sau sa iubeasca neconditionat, caruia ii este frica sa isi recunoasca greselile si isi faureste viata din bucatele de fericire furate de la altii.

Fairytale wings carried him through the mist to the world where the evil neither exists nor is it allowed to enter. It was the mist of the Beginning, where had you dared to put your little finger into – without the help of Magic – you would have never seen it again. Or even worse, had anyone wanted to punish you and thrown you there! You would have suffered for every little bit of beauty round you. That is, of course, if you had been a child to believe in ghosts and – even worse – to fear them, even if they had once been your relatives. A child who cries when it gets dark, who is afraid of bringing innocent joys to others or unconditionally love, who is afraid of admitting his mistakes and makes up his life out of bits of happiness stolen from others.


Iar daca erai asa, cu siguranta nu ai fi reusit sa ajungi pe taramul albastru. Si stii de ce? Ti-am spus mai devreme: deoarece el era sortit doar celor buni la suflet. Doar ei aveau – si poate mai au, daca taramul albastru mai exista – privilegiul de a-i vedea splendorile.

Had you been such a child, you surely would have never got to the Blue Land. Do you happen to know why? Well, I’ve told you before: because this Land was meant for the kind-hearted. It was only they who had – and still have, maybe, should the Blue Land exist – the privilege of seeing its splendours.

Dar tu ai inteles asta si esti in continuare invitat de onoare in visul meu, copile!

But you have understood it and you still are a Guest of Honour in my dream, child!

Ţupi era mirat, nu intelegea ce se intampla, dar simti ca va avea o surpriza.

Ţupi the Rabbit was puzzled; he could not understand what was going on but he felt there was a surprise in store for him.


Vazu un lac limpede, in undele caruia se ascundeau nuferi minunati, ale caror culori iti alinau sufletul. Liene ce se catarau spre infinit, ascunse printre flori, plutind parca si ele in noianul de fluturi sclipitori. Broscute de tot soiul ce iti incantau urechiusele cu melodii frumoase, vibratiile greierilor, ascunsi printre firele de iarba ce inconjurau ochiul de apa.
– Bine ai venit pe taramul fermecat, auzi Ţupi o voce dulce.

He saw a clear lake, out of whose waves wonderful water lilies, of soul-soothing shades, were coming out; hidden among flowers, creepers climbing to infinity seemed to float on the sea of shining butterflies; all kinds of little frogs delighted his ears with beautiful songs; there were crickets chirping, hidden among the blades of grass round the pond.
“Welcome to the Magic Land!” a sweet voice spoke to Ţupi.


Urmeaza partea a III-a.

Calatorie Magica II


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