Guest post by Marco

Last night Holland played the 6e match as qualification for the World Championship-2010 in South-Africa.

Each country plays 8 matches in different poules.
Holland plays in a poule with: Schotland, Macedonie, Norway and Iceland.

Till now „Orange” won all the matches, and that means that if tonight will win again, they have 18 points and will be winner of the poule, even when they loose the last 2 matches.

Anyway, Holland started the match against Iceland very good and played brilliant.
After 23 minutes it was already 2-0 by goals from Nigel de Jong and Marc van Bommel.

The second halve was a little disappointed, and Iceland made 2-1 just before the end of the match.
But,…. fact is that Holland will be at the WK-2010.

Wednesday we play again, this time against Norway and i’m sure that will be a big feast because we are qualified and we play here in Holland.

So i have 4 days left to find my orange outfit. Hahaha

Holland WK Qualification


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