Cand a inceput treaba cu interzicerea biclei, a rolelor sau a skate-ului in parc in Ro, o parte dintr voi ati facut o paralela cu faptul ca in Olanda este ok si daca faci sex in parc, dar sa te mai si plimbi cu ce ai chef.
Si pentru ca Marco este olandez si stie cel mai bine cum sta treaba a scris „Skaten and Sex”, fara speculatii sau dorinte desarte.
Guest post by Marco
Is there a similarity between skating in a park or having sex in a park ?
In my opinion there isn’t. Because these are completely different things.
In spite of that, it’s our personal choice to do it or not.
Question is: where and when ?
Skating is a public outdoor activity and having sex is private.
So, it seems logic that i case of skating you use the space that you can find i a park.
I can’t think of any reason why it shouldn’t be alowed to skate (or bike) in a public park.
Anyway, here in Holland we have rules too, about what is alowed and what is not alowed.
The red-line in these regulations is that you have respect.
In Amsterdam is the biggest park „The Vondelpark” was and still is also a place where Homosexuals meet.
So the Homosexual organisation COC is plesed that the Amsterdam district is to be the first to tolerate sex in the Vondelpark.
„Cruising” (having sex in public space) is somthing, belonging to all time, and banning it doesn’t work anyway.
They do it surreptitiously and mostly without others being annoyed by it.
But people at cruising places were often be atacked.
By now agreeing rules of behaviour on this, safety can be more increased.
One of the important rules is that it is only alowed in the night hours (after 23.00)
and not in the area of childrens play-grounds.
Of course there are alot of people against it (morality) explain to me why you get a bill from police when you have yor dog not on a cord and in the same time others are free to have sex in the same park ?
Forbidding skaters or bikers to use the peaved roads in parks sounds so stupid, that i’m sure it will be alowed soon.
And of course it’s good to give arguments like this.
Just keep on fighting for it.
Buna, am gasit postul tau despre Amsterdam si pentru ca eu si inca trei prietene am facut un blog despre A’dam ne-ar placea sa ne dai cateva sugestii+intrebari 🙂