Guest post by Marco

Strawberries- mashed

June and juli, high summer, the time of the „zomerkoninkjes” (dutch for „summerkings”).
So pre-eminently the time to eat them fresh from the land. Of course you can eat them all year from warehouses and foreigne countries, but,…they only looks like strawberries.
The real taste is now !


Most here eat them as dessert with icecream or in yoggurt (like me) 😀
But my friend told me to try it another way, and as always i listen 😉
Anyway after you cleaned and washed the srawberries, you put them in a bowl and cruch them with a fork. (simple).

capsuni (2)

Than put some sugar over it and put the bowl in the fridge for 30 minutes. And if you patiënt enought to wait that long you will be surprised, it taste yammy yammy.
Ahhhh. don’t forget that you must eat it with a spoon ! 😀

Bon apetite.

Capsuni cu zahar


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