Guest posy by Marco

Holland is wellknowen as the biking country.
People from abroad are often surprised about the enormes amount of people (old and young) that use the bike for transportation.

For us it’s normal and we learn it already when we are just 2-3 years old. The gouvernement promote it by making safe routes and infrastructure.

On a population of 16 milion we have about 20 milion bikes in Holland, so that means that everyone have one and alot of them even have 2 bikes.

Besides the practical use of the bike, it is also a good way to get in shape and in good condition.

Many people who work in an other town as where theylive, travel by bike and train.

We also use them as a way of recreation, to go in the country, so as soon as the weather is good, many go out on the bike.
Most of them have 2 types of bikes, one to use for work, school, shopping and so. and one for recreation.

 I’m one of them. When the weather is ok, i take my mountain bike and go in the woods specially of-road.
More about my bikes here.

So if you will ever visit our country, be prepared. 🙂

Biking the Power of Holland


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