Guest post by Marco

To make it you need mushrooms (champignons) and a piece of Rosbeaf.

dinner 1.

dinner 4

And of course salt, pepper (black, from electric mill) and a litle butter.
First clean the mushrooms with a brush or the tip from a towel ( anyway dont use water !) cut them in two parts, than salt, pepper and a liitle currypowder.

Heat the butter and bake them just a litle brown in no more that two minutes.
Put them on a plate and start with pepper and salt on the meat, and bake them brown at all sides in 5 minutes. Than put i on a plate in the oven (180 dgr.C.) for about 30 minutes.


dinner 6

Get the beaf from the scale and let it rest. put the mushroom in that scale and back in the oven for 5 minutes.


dinner 8

Than cut the beaf in slices, put it on a plate together with the mushrooms and the juice.
and,………….. bon apetit.
A nice red wine will complete it!

dinner 11

Roast-Beaf with Mushrooms


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Un comentariu la „Roast-Beaf with Mushrooms

  • 01/09/2009 la 10:27 AM
    Legătură permanentă

    Wow, o reteta foarte delicioasa si pare a nu fi grea 🙂
    Si mie imi place sa „bucataresc”, mai nou am facut si supa de gulii cu afumatura, a fost foarte buna.
    tks for share!


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