Dupa ce ne-a facut pofta de mancarea traditional olandeza, Marco s-a gandit sa ne invete sa o si preparam. Ca doar nu o sa ramanem cu pofta?!! 🙂
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Boerenkool met worst

Guest post by Marco

The ingrediënts you need:

– 1 Smoked-Sausage.
– 125 gr. Baconblocks.
– 1 kilo Potatoes.
– 600 gr. Curly-Kale.
– Salt.
– Pepper.
– 4 table-spoons Milk
– 2 table-spoons Butter
– Gravy-Powder


To prepare:

Peel- and cut the potatoes in pieces.
Wash and cut the curly-kale.
Put the potatoe pieces in a big pan with cold water and a litle salt and heat it.
After 5 minutes of boiling, put the curly-kale on it, and let it boile together for another 15 minutes.
Than pour off the water, add the butter and milk and mash it together.
Make it tasty with some salt and pepper.

To make the Gravy (sauce) bake the pieces of bacon in a little butter (brown and crispy) add a litlle water and gravy-powder and mix it.

Warm the smoked-sausage in water (not boiling).

Mmmm, lekker.
Eet smakelijk.

Curly Kale with Sausage


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