In Holland is tradition once in a year, at 31 december we make (and eat) Oliebollen.
I’m one of the dutch who will keep this tradition alive, and also to prepare them from an old family tradition.
About 50% buy them prepared, but as i said i like to prepare them myself and i do it as i learnt from my mother.

Guest post by Marco

The base of preparing is simple, but the details will make the difference.
Anyway i will tell you in headlines how i made them, and i also made a few pics to show.

Important is that you bake them at the 31e, and that means that you have to start the night before to wash the rasins and to cut the apples.
I only use the big yellow and orange rasins and the apples must be „Goudreinette”.

After washing the rasins i put them in a scale and put Cognac on it, cover the scale and let it steep for about two hours, than drain it and let it rest.

I cut the apples in little pieces and add it with the juice of one lemmon than a little sugar and cinnamon on it,
cover it and let it rest.
Than it’s time for bed, and the other morning you have to start with the batter.

But first i’ll go to the garage to prepare the place for baking.

Put the oil in the pan and let it heat very very slowly. btw. you must use sunflower-oil ! and take care
not to overheat it max. 190 dgr.C.

Anyway, back to the batter.
I use 1 kg flour and 1 liter milk mixed with water and yeast.

It’s important that it is warm ca, 40 dgr.C. anyway mix it with the flour and after that i put one egg a little salt and a glas of bear (dark-brown) in it and mix it again.

After that i put the rasins and the apples in it ( total ca. 500 gr.) and mix it as short as possible with a spoon.
Than put a wet thea-towel over it and place it on a low heated radiator for about one hour.

In the meantime the oil is on temp. and after the rise it’s time to bake.
I use two spoons (put them in hot water first) to make a little ball of the batter and drop it carefully in the oil.
After 2-3 minutes i turn them to bake the other side.
After take them out and….Ready !

Put some powder-sugar on it, mmm.

Bon apetite, and… a happy New Year.

Dutch Traditional – Oliebollen at 31 december


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