In Olanda, vremea nu a fost diferita in ultimele luni fata de Romania.
Am observat ca daca azi ninge sau ploua in Olanda, acelasi lucru se intampla intr-o zi sau doua si aici.
Ghiocei sigur gasim pana si in Bucuresti, chiar si asa, Marco ne dezvaluie din nou cateva secrete din gradina sa minunata.
My garden after wintersleep
Guest post by Marco
From medio decembre till the end of februari my garden was covered with snow.
Now it looks like Spring arrived, even when it’s still much to gold for the time of year, but the leaves and the snow were a good insulation as protection for the flowers and other plants.
Now when the snow is gone on many places the young and fresh green appears.
Snowklocks are the first, but also the tulips and crocusses say hello to the new season.
This also means alot of work for me, cz. i have to remove dead leaves (i let them as insulation) .
March is also the best month to start with the grass.
So, next weekend i will start with cleaning and fertilization.
Hi Marco!
Fortunately you are able to start to work and enjoy your garden, here in Romania winter has returned :|. Have fun and keep up the good work, I am looking forward to read your articles about the spring works in your garden.
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