Despre mancarea olandeza traditionala, invatam de la Marco.
Cine altcineva ar putea sa cunoasca mai bine ingredientele, modul de preparare, de servire, ornare si prezentare a manacarii decat un olandez get-beget.
Schimbarile in alimentatie sunt bine venite mai ales daca acestea respecta regulile pentru o sanatate excelenta care sa asigure vietii un ritm si un tonus pozitiv.
Spor la gatit!

The ingrediënts you need fot Oxtail Soup:

350 gr. Oxtail
100 gr. Soup Beef
2 table spoons butter
1 Onion (cut in rings)
1 table spoon Tomato paste
1 Bay leaf
Thyme, Persley and Celery
125 gr. Carrot (in pieces)
1 Leek (in rings)
2 thea spoons Salt
5 Peppercorns (black)
4 Tomatoes (in pieces)


To prepare:

Take a big pan and heat the butter in it, put the onions and tomato paste in it and bake it 3 minutes.
After that the Oxtail and Soup beaf and bake it gold-brown in 5 minutes.
Than put ca. 1½ cold-water in it and heat it again.
When it’s boiling put in the herbs and vegatables and let it on a very small fire for at least 3 hours.
Put it from the fire and after it cools down you can remove the fat.
Heat it again, and ready !

Serve the soup in a deep-plate and garnish it with pieces tomato and persley and toasted bread.

Traditional Dutch Food

Curly Kale with Sausage

Oxtail Soup


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