X-Factor I

Tonight we started with selection of the last 5 Men 15-25 and Women/Men > 26.

Guest post by Marco

The show started with category men, 15-25.

There were 8 performers left and only the 5 best go to the next round.
This time they had to sing and perform with a life band.
The 5 who are selected for the next round are: Mathijs, Kelvin, Robin, Jaap and a little boy (just 15) i forgot his name.

I think that Jaap and Robin are the best of them and make a big chance to get in the life-shows.

Time now for 26+ .
There were 7 performers 5 women and two men.
And in this category also the best 5 will go on to the next round.
The 5 who are selected for the next round are: Sarina, Satcha, Tamara, Janna and Dony.

About Dony, he’s special and cute he looks like a „Michelin Man” he comes from Indonesia and is just 6 month here in Holland.
But,a voice from heaven and his performence is touching and real and i wouldn’t be surprised to see him as the over-all winner of X-Factor 2010.

Anyway, time will learn.
Bye, bye, see you next week.

X-Factor II


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