X-Factor I

X-Factor II

Tonight is a very important night, cz. will be the selection of who goes to the live-shows.

But,… first will introduce the jury.

Guest post by Marco

There are four.
And from now on, every member of the jury will be coach of one of the four categories.

1- Stacy Rookhuizen: She’s is director of her own recordcompany and she will be coach of the ladies 15-25

2- Angela Groothuizen: She’s a singer and was a member of a ladies group „the dollydots” and she will be coach of the boys 15-25

3- Gordon: He’s a singer and presenter of alot of tv shows and he will be coach of the groups (men and women)

4- Eric van Tijn: He’s a songwriter and producer and he will be coach of men and women > 26

Tonight (26-03-2010) 2 categories: Women 15-25 and the Groups had their last chance to go to the live-shows.

There were 6 ladies in competition and just 3 can go on.
All had to sing one song (own choise) just with a guitarplayer.
Anyway, the 3 who made it to the live-shows are: Daniëlle, Maike and Somera.
Personally i think that Daniëlle is the best of these three.

There were 5 groups in competition and from these also 3 can go on to the live-shows.
They had to make a performence (one song of their own choise).
The 3 groups who made it to the live-shows are: Fierce (3 girls), 4-Granted (4 boys) and BadBoys (2 boys)
Personally i think that The Badboys will do it very good, cz they realy have the X-Factor.
But from musical point of view i give my vote to Fierce.

Next friday we go on with the boys 15-25 and men/women &gt 26
So….till than…

X-Factor III


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