Guest post by Marco

Maarten Toonder was one of the most important creators of comic-art in Europe during the fifties and sixties.

Extremely wellknowen in certain regions in France (because they were published in their local newspapers), much loved by fensh collectors of of magazines and by curious fans.
Toonders work is for us at pressibus a prime example of the comic-strip that manages to be at once both entertaining and realistic, and which is equally suitable both for sophisticated adults and for a wider public.
Created for the daily press, the four main series by Maarten Toonder are horizontal stripps.
Created for the daily press, the four main series by Maarten Toonder are horizontal strips, usually consisting of three pictures with text underneath.
Each story comprises between 40 and 110 strips.

Maarten Toonder is Dutch, but his strips were quickly to have a considerable impact throughout Europe.
He is sometimes called „The Dutch Walt Disney”, he is, above all, one of the greatest European creators of comic-strips.

„The Dutch Walt Disney”


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