La implinirirea celor 2 ani de activitate, initiaza un concurs minunat!
Am aflat despre el de la Arhi.
Vrei sa pleci la Londra,Paris, Milano sau Atena?
Vola iti ofera sansa!
Detalii aici!

So, Londra, here i come!

Guest post by Marco


There is a lot to lell about London, I was there many times and saw all the wellknowen places like, The towerbridge, The Big-Ben, The Queens Palace etc. etc.
And all of them have a story and history.

But i will never forget my first visit. It was strange but also impressing to see that all walk and drive from left direction.
Anyway, because of my curiouse nature, i tried to discover why they drive left.

And, the answer is surprising but also simple.

So listen:
Before the big traffic with cars started, people moved from place to place by horse or by an open car pulled by a horse.
You also must understand that English people are very polite and hang on traditions.
Anyway, in that time, when people met eachother it was tradition to shake hands.
So try to imagine what will happend you drive right (like we do) and want to shake hands with someone from the opposit direction.
Yes, that’s a big problem, because your right hand is at the wrong side and you have to make a dangerous move to shake hands.
Try to imagine now the same situiation, but… you drive left !!
Yes,………… its easy, the hands of both persons are at the sam line.
And because of keaping the tradition the never changed that.

London, here i come


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