Guest post by Marco

Hellauwwwwwwwww, dear Julia

Gijs here!


I’m so glad he’s gone all day, so i’m the king here now.

I hide myself a little the last day’s to make him worry, but it looks that he don’t care.

Anyway he’s not such a good actor.

He tried to got me, just put some bread and water, he’s sooooooooo stupid, i eat all his mices and a few juicy birds i can servive without him too.

Last night he makes me crazy by playing music all the time.

All night the same song.

It’s from a new duch singer, maybe you can ask him about.

It’s a nice song , but after 20 times i had to vomit all the mices.



I need to rest now, will find a quiet place and go to sleep.

I want to be awake when he comes back.

Will think of something ton tease him, hi hi hi hiauwww.

Maybe you can think of something too.



PS. If you have question for me, or just want to write me, you must do it before he comes home.


Gijs, my alter-ego


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3 comentarii la „Gijs, my alter-ego

  • Pingback:| iYli | Prietenie ceruta |

  • 21/07/2010 la 8:31 AM
    Legătură permanentă

    eu nu eram pe aici cand ai postat tu asta..:)) mai citit despre domnul Gijs..dar nu mai stiu daca era si imi place domnul Gijs..:))..iubesc am 4 acum..dar niciun au plecat de fiecare data..:)) stau cu mine la bloc..ce privire are..frumos am ras!..:))..


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