Continui publicarea aventurii iepurasului Tupi, iepurasul care a adus fericirea eterna in lume.
„Calatorie magica”, o poveste intr-o carte, a aparut in primavara lui 2006.
Si este prima carte pe care am publicat-o.

Partea I AICI.

Partea a II-a AICI.


Intr-o clipa se vazu inconjurat de puisori galbeni, cu puful de abia crescut si iepurasi argintii. Toti aveau hainute de sarbatoare: coifuri de petrecere, pelerine asortate, fundite colorate, costume minunate si instrumente muzicale.

The next minute he found himself surrounded by yellow fluffy chickens and silver-white little rabbits. They were all wearing their best gowns – party hats, matching cloaks, coloured bows and wonderful costumes – and playing instruments.

-Ne bucuram ca a venit primavara. Si in cinstea ei am organizat un bal mascat. Esti invitat si tu! Dupa acest bal, avem de indeplinit o misiune magica. Trebuie sa gasim solutia pentru ca oamenii sa fie mereu bucurosi, vorbi un puisor motat.

“We’re glad Spring has come! And we’re having a costume party in her honour. You are invited too! After the ball, there is a magic mission for us to accomplish. We have to find the means so as people should be always happy!” a crested chicken said.

– Ce frumos, spuse Tupi. Bunica mi-a dat aceeasi misiune.
– Stim, spuse iepurasul- clovn. Nimic nu este intamplator nici in lumea noastra si nici in a ta. Noi ti-am urat cantand: bun venit pe lume, la nasterea ta! Si tot noi am trimis acum aripile de poveste pentru a te ajuta sa calatoresti pe taramul albastru. Esti un iepuras deosebit si avem nevoie de ajutorul tau pentru a gasi solutia vesnicei bucurii.

“How nice! Granny gave me the same mission!”
“Oh yes, we do know”, the little clown rabbit replied. “There is nothing left at random either in our world or in yours. It was we who sang the `Welcome to the world` wish when you were born. And it was still we who sent you the fairytale wings to help you travel to the Blue Land. You are a very special little rabbit and we need you to find the way to eternal joy.


Pe taramul albastru timpul trecea foarte incet. Astfel incat, o singura clipa in lumea noastra insemna doar o ora intreaga acolo.

Time passed very slowly in the Blue Land, so a single moment in our world meant a whole hour there.

Impreuna cu noii sai prieteni, Tupi a luat parte la cel mai frumos bal mascat. Tu ai fost vreodata la un bal mascat?
Together with his new friends, Tupi the Rabbit enjoyed the best costume party ever. Have you ever been to a costume party?

Iepurasii si puisorii s-au jucat cu baloane colorate, au dansat pe ritmuri saltarete, au avut loc si concursuri magice si au gustat din bucate delicioase. Toate floricelele din poienita au zambit si si-au deschis petalele, vazand cat de bucurosi erau toti. Intreaga petrecere a fost invaluita in razele magice ale soarelui.

The little rabbits and the fluffy chickens played with coloured balloons, danced to lively music rhythms, took part in magic contests and had delicious foods. All the flowers of the glade smiled and opened their petals at the sight of everybody’s joy. The party went on shrouded in the magic sunrays.

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Solutia fericirii eterne


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