Guest post by Marco

Holland in mourning, a sea of flowers.
People from all over, unbelieve, anger, pain and so many questions.
Candles burning, the churc open.
Already 7 died, and i Hospitals others still fighting for their lifes.

„Queensday will never be the same”
is wrote down on a card with a white rose.

Olanda in doliu, o mare de flori, oameni de peste tot, de necrezut, furie, durere si atat de multe intrebari.
Ard lumanari, biserica e deschisa.
Deja au murit 7 oameni si in spital altii lupta inca pentru viata lor.

Ziua Reginei niciodata nu va mai fii la fel, sta scris jos pe o scrisoare alaturi de un trandafir alb.

Prima zi dupa atacul din Olanda


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