Guest post by Marco

When i herd form my friend about the way she prepared chicken on a bottle in the oven, i was under the table!
Anyway she send me a pic, and explained me how to make it.
So finally i tried, hahahahahahaha!


First i bought a fresh chicken and put salt, pepper and herbs on it also put some herbs inside.
Than i looked for a bottle ??? Ahh, found a nice and slim one in the cellar I t was still full of Pinot-griss, but, that wasn’t a problem (hik) anyway when the bottle was empty i filled it with water and put the chicken (with her legs down) on the bottle.

chicken 1

Hahahahaha. (hik) looked so stupid, just like the bottle gots legs.
So ready to put it on a deep plate in the oven.
Ah Ah Ah Ah (hik) problems!!!
It was to high, and doesn’t fit in the oven.
Had to start again, needed another bottle a lower one.
So (hik) went in the cellar again and…….found a smaller one, also full of wine (Merlot).
So,…….did a good job again and placed the poor chicken again on that bottle, let it in the oven for about one hour.

And i must say, that it looks good and tasted good (not Fat).

Eat it with salad (hik hik) and a nice glas Merlot.

Eet smakelijk, en Proost.

Chicken on a Bottle


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