Guest post by Marco

Today i will show you the latest application of the Super LED (Light Emitted Diode).
This superLED is now ready for use as lighting.
The biggest advantages of this application are:
– Low energy consumation ( 5 Watt).
– No heat
– Last for 50.000 hours

There were already bulbs with alot of traditional LEDs in it, but the light was cold (almost blue)

The colour of this bulb is warm-white. And you can compare it with a traditional bulb of 40 Watt.

That means that you have the same light at 1/8 of energy.

Besides that; a traditional bulb last for max. 1.000 hours.

So, this bulb last 50 times longer.

I don’t think i have to make a calculation for you, to show the profit now, and in the future.

Anyway, if you want to know more about, let me know.

superdiode by iYli

The bulb (normal E27 Fitting)

superdiode by iYli (1)

The bulb ( in use ).

superdiode by iYli (2)

Cosy light application.

superdiode by iYli (3)

Stays cold

Energy saver (Super-LED)


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