„Surpriza culinara” de astazi vine de la Marco, minunatul meu prieten.
Cascati ochii bine ca nu este de joaca!
Nu necesita timp mult la preparare, insa va cere ceva concentrare si tehnica dupa aceea.

Start with heating the bbq. More about this kind of bbq here.


Chickenbreast on it 😀

Let it cool down a bit before cutting.


Cut it in thin slices.


Time to get the Prosecco out of the freeze.


Make salad from what is left in fridge (this time tomatoes, cumcumbre, red onion and feta.)

Open the bread and put the chicken on it.


Compllete it with the salad and a little oliveoil with chili.
Ah, i am soooooo….HUNGRY!


iYli: Did u eat that all? aaaaaaaahhaahahha
Marco: Wasn’t that much 🙁
Marco: I just quess 😀
Marco: I don’t write anymore about food !!!!!!!!!!!!
Marco: made a lott of work of it, cook, stop….. pic…. cook…. Stop….. pic etc etc. and you only leaf at me
iYli: hahahhahah

Summer sandwich


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