Ieri, prietenul meu, blogerul olandez, Marco, care scrie si pe iYli, v-a adresat cateva intrebari.
Desi articolul a fost citit in trei ore de peste 100 de oameni niciunul nu a dat vreun raspuns.
Asta imi ridica o lista de de intrebari.
Sa-ti fie frica de un raspuns real? Nu te cunosti? Nu stii cine esti sau de ce faci anumite lucruri in online sau in offline?
Totul este o scena si te ascunzi in spatele unui calculator avand o imagine falsa, superficiala asupra a tot ce te inconjoara? Asupra propriei persoane?
Astazi, Marco revine!
Come On Romania!
And give me your opinion:
Tell me what is more important:
1. Who you are?
2. What you are?
And give me your motivation !
Btw, do you accept, that you are what others think of you ?
sunt comozi !!!!
In romania is more important Who you are ? Ex. : your father is a big boss of a company that work with the state or you know some big „fish” in the market where you work.
What you are ? have a small influence.
For me is important what I am because i can’t be a poser. I work in some jobs and I quit because they put on the first place your connection in company and after that your skills.
Don’t try to understand romanian it’s a hard job even for Superman.
Ok, Fanel, Thanks for your comment.
I understand that for you its more important WHAT you are.
But,…dont you think that what you are is based on Who you are ?
(whatever from where you come)
And do you believe that you are what others think of you ?
(is it important for you how others think of you ?).
I’m no superman, but to understand people from other culture i need, to understand myslf, to make up my mind about life in general.
btw. (the first word i learned to speack was „why”) hahaha.