Guest post by Marco

I remember from chlidhood, i sit on the chair with my father for hours.
He always told me a story, spacially from the sea and the big oceans.
My father loved the sea (as member of a big sailors family).
Or we both went out to look at the waves, and all people knew him there.

Yes i remember how we laugh about a little dog that was playing on the beach and was barking at the waves when they came close, or when he tried to catch a piece of paper that was blowing in the wind.

That’s how we often walked, without words, hand in hand.
And than as i looked back over my shoulder, i saw my little feet-prints next to my fathers big steps in the sand.


But now i walk here on my own, cz. dad is no longer here and bring my tears alone to that big water but nothing changed.

Thousands of waves washed my fathers steps away, just my feet are now there.
But i still know his stories and jokes, and remember what we did together.
So, he’s still a little alive, cz. memories will always stay.
He gave me so much good advice, so he will be my dad forever.

Thousands of waves


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4 comentarii la „Thousands of waves

  • 04/10/2009 la 11:43 PM
    Legătură permanentă

    m-ai luat, m-ai dus si m-ai „rasucit”…intru-un timp uitat!…multumesc, marco, pentru clipa in care m-ai facut sa ma opresc din iures si sa dau o roata in jurul sufletului meu! thank you, prietene!

  • 05/10/2009 la 2:10 PM
    Legătură permanentă

    Buna un Q ,

    No thanks,
    I just wish to understand your words better than the „translator” let me.
    It’s a big dilema for me not to understand the rich culture in language from Romania.
    So, maybe you can try to comment in english.


  • 05/10/2009 la 10:06 PM
    Legătură permanentă

    so, my english is a liitle „down” : i said : you „take me, you make me gone, you tourn me down”… in a forgotten time! thank you, marco, for this moment that i just stop in my dailly running and make „a run” around my soul ! thank you, my friend! Sorry for the translation, probably Iyli do better like me! Hi, hi!


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