As i already told you i started to cut the trees from dead wood and some big parts that keep-out the licht.
I use a simple ladder and a handsaw, and for thick parts i use the chain-saw.

Guest post by Marco

To climb the trees isn’t the hardest part, cutting the rest and to cut the small branches from the wood is a big job.

When it’s thicker than 2 inches i will cut in pieces, to dry it and use it next year in the fire-place.

cutting trees

With a ladder i climb in the trees.

All the wood down.

Pfff. have to cut it all and bring away all the small branches.

Where to begin (just from 3 trees) !

Gijs helps to clean

Gijs is always a big help, and found himself a nice place.
Oopened one eye, he shaked one’s head and said „hey you stupid you do it all wrong” and i asked him why?
And he said „you have to let it done by others” and goes on sleeping.


Will be ok next winter in fire place.

Cutting Trees


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