Finally made myself that weekend free to see how- and if all works perfect with the caravan i bought this summer.
It’s an old one, so had to renew the electric, gas, and water system, but beside that, all is in good condition, and after a day of cleaning and polishing it looks nice.

Guest post by Marco

I choose to go to the ardennes in Belgium, cz. i know that area and because of the hils. I wanted to know if the combination (put it behind the van) is in balance, cz. next summer will go for a big trip !

I went to a campsite in the village Polleur, with the surprising name: Camping Polleur.
Anyway it’s a nice camping in a valley, with a swimmingpool and nice sanitary service, a small restaurant and a terrasse.

On the way to polleur.


Ruïne of a castle near Polleur.

polleur (1)

Saterdaymorning when i woke-up made fresh caffé (by hand) and took the bike to get fresh bread in the village.
It was very quiet that weekend cz. summervacation just ended.
In the afternoon i visit the ruine of an old castle near Polleur and eat soup and frites from the restaurant-bar.

The camping (looking downhill).


Playgarden and pool.

The sanitair buildings- very clean.

Inside, the toilets, the showers, the toilets and the the lavabo are all very clean.


Sunday went to Malmedy on the bike, was a hard trip cz. of all the hills.
When i was back in the caravan i decided to stay another night and to visit Spa. Spa is a city jus 15 km from Polleur, so went on the bike again.
Spa is famouse from the sources of mineralwater.

spa 1

In the centre.

spa 2

Anyway it was a nice trip and in the centre i eat and had a drink near the Casino
The casino has a nice garden at the front with many flowers.

At the end of the afternoon i drove back home and took the secundary roads
and stopped for a drink and to make a quick but healthy salad.

Anyway, i look forward to go on a loooooong trip with the caravan.
I’m thinking of a name for the caravan,maybe you have a suggestion ?

Try-Out in The Ardennes


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