This Christmas i invited 7 guests for dinner.
They came around noon and they stayed till midnight.
So, time enought to have good conversations, drinks, snacks,music and as peak Christmas-Dinner.
Christmas-Dinner sau Minunea Gusturilor, un articol scris de Marco, caruia ii multumesc pentru faptul ca a impartasit cu mine si cu cititorii din modul in care a petrecut minunata zi de Craciun, alaturi de familia sa.
Stiu cat de mult inseamna asta pentru tine, draga Marco si sper ca de acum inainte fiecare zi sa fie asemeni acesteia.
Asadar un guest post by Marco.
Si acum va las sa salivati!
We started with caffé and cake, and after that we start to unpack the presents, as we found under the tree.
Because i had to entertain and serve my guests, i couldn’t stay in the kitchen all day, and that’s why i choose a menu easy to serve (most from oven) but had to spend many hours to prepare the day before. Anyway also the preparing was a big pleasure.
I started with the rabbit, the meatrolls (porc and rind) bake them in butter just to make it brown (10 minutes) than put them in a ovendish lett it cool-down and put them in the cellar.
In the mean-time i pealed the pears (let them in one piece) and coock them in sweet red-wine. Also coock all kinds of dried fruit (Tutti-Frutti) with sugar and vanille.
It will be served cold at dinner.
At christmasmorning i did the vegetables, sprouts and chicory started to clean the sprouts, and coock them just 10 minutes in salt-water.
Put them in a oven-dish with a little butter and a mix of old cheese and breadcrumbs. The chicory had to coock about 20 minutes.
Than cut them in small portions and roll them with a little cheese in bacon.
So you see, all this prepared food can easy put in the oven for 30-50 minutes and straight from the oven at the table.
Only took a little time to prepare the starters.
Put dutch scrimps in dressing on fine-cutted roccola in the middle of a plate. And a little piece of Paté with cranberrysouce at the side and litte pieces melon, decorated it with tomato and chive.
Served the starter with a white chardonnay.
While we enjoyed the starter, the oven did a good job, and i also fried potatoes and potatoe-croquettes.
Served the main-dish with a st.Emilion (bordeaux).
After the maindish we had icecream with melon, cranberrysouce and a piece of the icecake.
To make the dish complete i made a woodenplate with different kind of cheese and fresh baked bread.
Served it with a very old Port (1982) mmmmm.
Later had caffé, and we stayed there in the room at the table, listen and make music till midnight.
Merry-Christmas! 🙂
P.S. Din articolele culinare scrise de Marco in 2009 amintesc doar cateva:
Apus de soare si vin rosu
Instant BBQ
Feed your sex drive
Sa nu uitam nici de seria despre mancarea traditional olandeza.
Pe restul va las sa le descoperiti singuri in capitolul:Food and wine
Multumesc, Marco! 😉