Ziua de 8 Martie, moft sau un simplu motiv ca banii barbatilor sa fie inca o data „irositi” pe flori?
Ei bine, nu!
Citeste „Bread and Roses” , un articol deosebit scris de Marco despre istoricul si semnificatia acestei zile.
Cu respect. 🙂
New-York 1908.
The first strike of women against the bad working conditions is the start of International Womenday.
The women from that first strike demand bread and roses as a symbolic.
In fact this was the start of women-emancipation.
In many other countries women took over these ideas and in 1921 wordt 8e march declared as „International
Espacially in the communist countries it was and still is a day that women receive flowers and
little pesents.
In the sixties it became a worldwide tradition, and in 1978 the 8e march is official admit by the United-Nations.
So, Women of all nations.
Think of this when you receive the flowers.