A few weeks ago the new season of X-Factor started.
In the begin isn’t realy interesting cz. is a short performance of thousends compatitors.

Guest post by Marco

Anyway, now we arrived at a level and from thousends the jury selected about 25, and they are devided in 4 categories:

1-Women 15-25
2-Men 15-25
4- Women and Men 26

Till now the selections/shows are recorded, and are on TV every friday.

When there are 10 selected (after another 2 shows) they start with life-shows.
And every week one will be send home till the best 3 remain for a finale show.
So you understand that we have alot of shows to go.

Anyway, i realy try to see them all, and will write you about.
Last night (12e march) 2 categories 1 and 3 made there final selection.
They selected 6 women and 4 groups.

The 6 women are: Kim, Romy, Somera, Maike, Daniëlle and Cyenne.
Personally i think that Somera and Daniëlle have a big chance to come in the life-shows.

The selected groups are: Intence, TOW, Bad-Boys and a boyband (no name yet) the boyband is a mix of boys who didn’t make it solo and were selected by the jury.
Personally i think that Intence (3-girls) and Bad-Boys (2-boys) will make it till the life-shows.

Next friday the other categories; Men 15-25 and Women/Men >26.

So, till next week.
Do you have questions ? Let me know.

X-Factor I


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