Medio March is the moment to start with treatment of the grass after a long winter.

Guest post by Marco

So today i started with cleaning and verticutation.
It’s important to remove the dead grasses and other plants.

I started at noon and worked till 17.00 the result: about 100
So that means 25%.
It’s a heavy job but,…. after 4 weeks will have a great lawn.

Anyway after cleaning and verticutation will keep it like that for a week, than will fertilize with dried cow-dung.

And if all goes well, i have to mow the first time after about 4 weeks.

If u want to know more about plants and garden care, read there articles:

My garden after wintersleep

Cutting Trees

My flowers, my love

Locul de unde vine ardeiul

Cutting the buxus hedges

How to get a nice green lawn after winter

THE GARDEN (two weeks later)

I love my garden

Grass treatment after winter


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