Now the Dutchteam is in the 1/4 finale against Brasil.
The orange-feefer is as high as the temeratures here in Holland.
So we are already in tropical sphere!

In porth-Elisabeth will be around 25.000 dutch fans ( most of them lives in South Africa).Olanda
Anyway on friday 2e Juli at 17.00 will be the start of a game the whole world look forward to, and in my opinion it’s a pity that it isn’t the finale.

The Dutch team stays till the finale in Hilton Hotel in Johannesburg, they use the training facilities of the University of Johannesburg and try to keep the press and camera’s on a distance.

Around the Brasil team is a complete madness. It will be 11.00 in the mornig (local-time) and all will stop to watch the game.
Football is the most imortant sport in Brasil and all believe that Brasil will win, but….i know better !!

In the half-finale we will play against the winner of Argentina – Germany (they play saterday 3e Juli).
So i expect that we play against Germany.
Ofcourse we will beat them too and in the finale we will play against Spain.

More later! 🙂

In fotografie Aurelian si Mario in sedinta foto speciala pentru articolele dedicate Campionatului Mondial de Fotbal. 🙂

Go, Holland, go!


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