Sunt cateva concluzii mai mult sau mai putin optimiste care mi-au venit in minte zilele astea asupra lumii. In mod normal gandesc pozitiv si nu prea am loc pentru mizeria din jur; probabil insa gramada imi scoate ochii.
Vlad Stan propune un internship cu durata de trei luni, cu incepere de pe 15 octombrie. Vei putea sa inveti despre: analiza de business, customer development, construire de strategii si modele de business, business planning, creare si marketare de produse,
When you feel offended or hurt, you are afraid to open up yourself. Feeling offended is your choice. It’s also your choice not open up for real love, not to receive love. cz. you are afraid to be hurt again.
Today i was very busy again, so not in the mood to stay in the kitchen too long. Reason why i choose to make a quick yammy and healthy soup. Is also good to eat soup every day.
The ingrediënts you need: 350 gr. Sausages, 100 gr. Baconblocks, Salt/ Pepper, 500 gr. Sauerkraut, 2 Table spoons Oil, 750 gr. Potatoes,1 Onion, 25 gr. Butter, a little Milk, 1 dl. applejuice.
I was thinking how it will be to have a blog myself. So, i closed my eyes and thout of what talent you need. When you look at most of the blogs, pffffffffffff.
Ea e Diana, a facut 6 ani in primavara si o am din zilele in care inca nu i se deschisesera ochii complet. Coada nu o avea taiata si nici eu nu am facut-o dupa aceea, mai ales ca exista