Maybe it seems to be a little strange, but on a long winter-evening, while it’s snowing outside, the fire
place trying to keep the cold out and me, looking in the dancing flames was thinking of “ice cream”.

Anyway, i shared this thoughts with two good friends who were also in the room.
We just opened a great bottle red-Bordeaux, but they liked my idea.

So we went in the kitchen and gatherd all kind of fruit: grapefruit, apple, mandarine, strawberries, kiwi and grapes.

We washed and cut the fruit. In the meantime i took the ice-cream out of the fridge and made the table ready.
Switched on the juxebox, filled the glasses again and served the fruit with lemmon ice cream.

After that we closed the evening with caffé and a little glass of Romanian cognac.
Sssst, i also put a little cognac on the fruit 😀

Later when they left i went back in the living near the fire and wait another story coming up in the flames.

Sweet icecream


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