The art of searching, or the development of common sense.
Many times when i ask someone about whatever, they answer “search on google”. It looks like we have a new verb “to google”.

Google a blessing or a disaster.
No, it’s not a disaster if we use it as a supplement.
It is the unbridled use of google that annoys me and makes me feel sad.

The internet gives so much information (and often contradictory) that without basic knowledge of the subject you’r looking for, you are lost.

I believe that we should not forget together the basic knowledge by studying.
It’s the only way to judge all the information in the right order.

If you really want to discuss and say sensible things, you can’t do it with just a simple search on the internet.

Yet i fear to be just “a voice in the dessert” and searching on the internet finally will be a serious profession.

An inclined plane? Yes.
Already now there is so much nonsense on the internet, that it is almost impossible to make the right choices.

Tell me, What is your opinion.
-will learning to search be a serious profession?
-will google be a blessing or a disaster, killing our common-sense?
or do we have to accept it as a part of evolution?

To Google, a Blessing or a Disaster


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