I have a good friend who knows that i’m interested in technics especially old cars.
He owns a mercedes 450 slc > 30 years old.
He asked me to prepare the car for a wedding.
Need to be cleaned and checked.
Anyway so i did. Cz. he also knows that i like to drive these cars, he asked me to drive the car at the wedding day.
I didn’t had to think long about that and said „YES”.
I cleaned and i cleaned till all was shining like a mirror.
Put flowers and balloons at the backseat and a ribbon with flowers at the front.
The day of the wedding it was great weather, warm and sunny.
So on that sunny morning i start the 8 cylinder engine and picked-up the bride and the bridegroom.
After making pics we drove to the town hall for the ceremony and from there back home, where they had a party.
Being driver for one day was my pleasure.