Go away, give me a chance to miss you.
Say goodbye, it will make me want to kiss you.

Leave me alone, i’m lonely !

The lyrics i remember from an old song. Lyrics that come-up in my mind on a night like this.
Put the christmastree in the living, lights and bling-bling.amintire
Memories, questions, happiness and emotion.
A night full of mixed feelings that makes me feel lonely.
Or is it just when i feel alone ?

I know there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
You can be in the middle of a big party with many others and still feel lonely.
You might use the word „alone” when you describe the situation „i feel so lonely”.
However you are at a big party. You are not alone. You are lonely.

It’s uncomfortable to be lonely, but if you are alone you can usually do something about it.
If you are not alone but lonely, there is no problem at all. Is there?
The thing is that we must try to avoid being alone and lonely at the same time.
That’s maybe the greatest trap to anything living.

Being lonely isn’t just when you don’t have anyone at the moment
It’s when you don’t think you will have anyone ever.

Pink – Leave me alone

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Lonely or Alone


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Un comentariu la „Lonely or Alone

  • 25/01/2011 la 3:47 AM
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